
Mobility Ministry

 The Mobility Ministry was established in 2012 and has been a blessing to many in need of mobility equipment.  The ministry is sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Campbell River.  We provide equipment to those struggling with physical issues and limitations.  All equipment is gifted at no cost or time limitations to you.  You can contact us at the church by calling 250-830-1771 (Please leave your message). Or by calling Betty at 778-346-0667.  We will be happy to be of service to you, and welcome your calls.  Donations are always appreciated and gratefully received.  The ministry has been a blessing over the years to many. The equipment has given some comfort and independence to navigate at home and outside the home.  With God’s blessings we will be serving all people who are in need for many more years to come. 

In His Service:  Betty O’Leary